
Brown bear translocated to eastern Serbia

Brown bear translocated to eastern Serbia

Author: John Linnell/Friday, November 10, 2006/Categories: Gallery

Maintaining the movement of animals between populations is crucial to maintaining their viability. In an ideal world, habitat would allow animals to move on their own. However, populations of some species, such as brown bears, are so fragmented that movements between populations are impossible. In such cases humans have to assist by translocating individuals. For example, this form of population reinforcement lies behind the release of Slovenian bears in the French Pyrenees. in late October 2006, the first bear was moved from western to eastern Serbia in an attempt to reinforce the small population there. This 103 kg female, called Djura, was released on October 30th. More bears are expected to be moved in spring 2007.

Text: John Linnell / Photo: Branco Karapandza


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