
Drugged brown bear, Estonia

Drugged brown bear, Estonia

Author: John Linnell/Tuesday, February 15, 2005/Categories: Gallery

Radio-collaring has without doubt been the most important method available to researchers during the last 30 years in their efforts to understand the ecology of large carnivores. The knowledge gained in this way has greatly increased our ability to design conservation strategies for large carnivores. This picture of a young female bear was taken in northeast Estonia in September 2005. This was the first bear ever live-captured and radio-marked in Estonia. She was darted while visiting a feeding site. Less than an hour after the picture was taken she was back in the forest. Estonia has the largest bear population in the Baltic States. Because their bears are harvested it is important that managers have access to detailed scientific data to ensure this harvest is sustainable.

Text: John Linnell / Photo: Harri Valdmann



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